Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

January 13th, 2022

@tmcw @pfrazee @odbol Wow, good find. That’s surprising behavior (to me at least) that you unearthed there. I’ll have a very close look tomorrow. I’d give this bug a solid 10/10 to be honest. (Thanks, @RReverser, for looping me in.)

via Twitter Web App

@HenrikJoreteg @quicksave2k I personally haven’t, sorry, but @reillyeon is the expert and can probably help you out. Meanwhile, if you can create a quick with a link to a minimal reproduction case, this would definitely help Reil

via Twitter Web App

â’  Go to (bare with me, it’s just a page with two videos).

â’¡ Paste the code below into the @ChromeDevTools Console.

await import(‘’)
.then(module => console.log(module.createLink(document.querySele

via Twitter Web App

@sephr I’ll spend some time on it today and tomorrow, but definitely happy for you to see what you can contribute and improve on the weekend.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to sephr

@sephr The polyfill bits are here: It’s early days of course and this was built during a hackathon, but we have plans to improve this.

via Twitter Web App

@sephr Yes, the extension code and the polyfill it uses will be released separately.

via Echofon in reply to sephr

@ckundo @WestbrookJ Linking based on the `alt` attribute is definitely on our list. For now we purely finished an MVP implementation for the scope of the hackathon.

via Echofon in reply to ckundo

Here’s a preview of what my team came up with during a team-wide hackathon: Link to Media 🔗🖼, a Chrome extension allowing for linking to arbitrary images, videos, audios: It’s based on a new fragment directive syntax pro

via Echofon

Unpacking the Workbox is a great YouTube series by @tropicadri and @jeffposnick that teaches you @workboxjs from zero to hero 🦸‍♂️, since writing service worker code from scratch isn’t everyone’s favorite. Hint: uses i

via Echofon

RT @devongovett: 🔢 Announcing Parcel CSS: A CSS parser, compiler, and minifier written in Rust!

⚡️ Extremely fast
🗜️ Small output
🏢 Vendor…

via Echofon

RT @diekus: 💥Visual Studio @Code Insiders is a #PWA👥 Here you see VS Code *installed* and running *offline* on my…

via Echofon

RT @2ality: Publishing and consuming ECMAScript modules via packages — the big picture

via Echofon