@hankchizljaw toot.cafe/about is nice. ☕ï¸
@RReverser Source apparently is https://facebook. com/story.php?story_fbid=4476 3684 3579 6372&id=1000 0269 78082 01&m_entstream_source=timeline (spaces added in the numerical IDs, not searchably linking to this crap). Remarkable the note about “no V o
@simevidas Yes, sorry, it’s not supported yet in Chrome.
@jaffathecake I have the auto-generated one from vite-plugin-pwa (https://t.co/pyfyXIjUnT) for everything apart from Web Share Target. I know it could be done in one, even with the plugin, but it feels like one thing less to worry about this way.
@paulcalvano @Etsy @codeascraft Congratulations, great fit! 🎈
@bramus @WestbrookJ @kennethrohde Hah, “my†bug 😆. Really wonder what’s happening there. It’s a JavaScript feature and Apple seemed really cool with most recent JavaScript additions. They asked one question when we requested their position and