@toniengelhardt I don’t buy the discovery argument, but I have certainly heard it. Just try searching for Facebook Messenger, the stores are full of name squatters and ads. For capabilities, the web has become incredibly powerful. There are gaps, like d
Why would one wrap a nice Web app with a cross platform software framework 🤔? To understand the motivation, I tried it with one of my apps—SVGcode—and 5 different frameworks:
💉 Electron.js
💉 NW.js
💉 Tauri
💉 Neutralinojs
💉 Gluon
@nathankurtyka It’s a PDF with actual text. pic.twitter.com/eUNaVpPVcU
RT @quicksave2k: Finally! You can play with new USB camera controls in Chrome Canary for macOS.
🔒 https://t.co/…
RT @kennethrohde: WASI Threads! Great work by my Intel peers!
Chrome’s Headless mode gets an upgrade: introducing `—headless=new`: https://t.co/prEgjk1i3z. (Technically, the old Headless was a separate, alternate browser implementation that happened to be shipped…
@bramus Clearly selection bias. 😂
@jaroslawjarosik It doesn’t pop up unless there’s a user gesture, like the user clicking a button.
If only there were a programmatic way to trigger an install prompt… https://t.co/MRpfNtIbJA. iOS 16.4 opens the manual “Add to Home Screen†flow to non-Safari browsers. Discoverability-wi…