Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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May 2nd, 2023

Just presented The Capable Web at #TheWebConf2023 W3C and Developers Track.

❔RQ1: Why do people not fully bet on PWA?
❔RQ2: Why is Flutter so popular

❔How Fugu is my browser?
❔How Fugu is the Web? h…

via Moa Bridge

StackBlitz’ WebContainers now mostly work in Safari: The blog post gives some insights into how they made it happen and what obstacles the team had to overcome.

via Moa Bridge

A browser in a browser: Install this PWA and enable Window Controls Overlay (! It’s a super well-made tabbed interface 🌐🗂️. Maybe even better than what they would…

via Moa Bridge

@atg_nl Legacy apps are explicitly mentioned as a non-goal to support:

via Twitter Web App