@sepia_fw I do hope so, but so far haven’t spotted anything.
@kennethrohde @dan_jenkins @diekus Links in this quoted tweet: https://t.co/QpzJ5NBHDm.
@dgrammatiko To be fair, on the non-Fugu side, they had a lot of additions: https://t.co/RIHmYhCMZY.
Testing Safari 17 Web Apps.
🔷 Seamless OS integration (Dock, multitasking, Spotlight).
🔷 Own Settings menu. Can turn on nav controls, tweak name & icon, title bar color.
🔷 Run independent from Safari, no Safari UI.
🔷 Web Inspector blocked.
🙋 My browser…
💉 `Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1` 💈
…is 🟩 26% Fugu ðŸ¡!
How Fugu 🡠howfuguismybrowser.devttps://t.co/IG#HowFuguIsMyBrowserpic.twitter.com/h8RZtlARgb
RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 How Photoshop solved working with files larger than can fit into memory, by Nabeel Al-Shamma and @tomayac:
💉 Article: h…