We all knew that it was comin, but that it’d come that fast: #iPhone 3.1 SDK Beta http://bit.ly/nEYQF. Seems 2B a bigger release (via @TUAW)
#iPhone #battery tips: recharge early, recharge often (to 100%). Don’t run down battery to <= 20%. Kill all apps except Phone. Keep plugged!
W/ #SBSettings installed on #iPhone I can now predict forced app kills when free memory hits <= 6MB :-( “Statusbar Free Mem” does the trick.
@jerem Wow, c cool ce projet! CapGemini est une bonne adresse en France :-) Je suis sûr que tu connais quelques pots ENSIMAG promo 2007…
@filiber /_.+/ #Twitter names are nothing compared to this #Facebook vanity URL: http://www.facebook.com/…
@jerem Ah, je me rapelle… J’étais dans la phase “relax/cocktail” :-) où on s’est causé. Tu as jamais frappé la porte Google Paris?
@guilhermeblanco hi Guilherme! Any help regarding “internals” would be highly appreciated ;-) Hope you can say “hi” to @chanezon from me?!
@jerem Salut Jeremy! En fait je bosse à Hambourg, pas à Zurich. Oui, oui, le GDD à Paris… T’étais au code lab GWT? Ou sinon OpenSocial?
@chanezon, @stefanopochet: When will we have the pleasure to develop in PHP on AppEngine? => Search for project #Quercus. #PHP 5.2 in Java!
$src = “http://php.net/releases/…
echo “PHP 5.3 is out”;
echo “<a href=’”.$src.”’>Release Notes</a>”;
goto yay;
“What are you doin?” is the worst desc ever of what #Twitter is. Mention hashtags, RT search, thought leaders, µblogs, trends!
#AdWordsAPI v2009 has been pushed into production: http://tr.im/qhtX Still workin on #APIlity lib, movin away from NuSOAP to PHP5 #SOAP ext.