@wolframkriesing Don’t you count @appcelerator as a #JavaScript company? I think they had an #MWC booth?!
@bsletten I realize that my tweet sounded overly negative. Obviously any structure’s good structure. Yet personally I’d have preferred #RDFa
#Facebook adds hCalendar & hC#microformatsmats to millions of events: http://bit.ly/h05VJe. another lost opportunity #RDFaRD#SemanticWebcWeb
edsu cool, an ietf draft from Google for registering canonical, current, immutable, latest, mirror, permanlink & shortlink http://bit.ly/faTV3r
RT @kevinSuttle: Glad to see there’s some work being picked up again on #microformats, particularly in re-thinking things http://j.mp/i8f9yr