We are pleased to inform you that your paper titled “Enriching Unstructured Media Content […]” has been accepted a#ISWC201111#TomsPhDhD Yay!
@Twitvid Follow-up question to http://t.co/75UbuWs Is your search API really POST?! W/ GET, too, I only get error code 1014, upload failed.
@Twitvid My request wrong, or your search API broken? >$ curl -X POST -d “query=boston&page=1&page_size=10&fim.twitvid.com/api/searcht.co/34y4bs2
RT @romainst: @echofon I’ve paid both Mac and iPhone versions, how come I can’t use my bit.ly (pro) account anymore? // +#Faili#Echofonon
Had a #Shibboleet moment w/o saying it. @alice_de tech support was PERFECT! Shibboleet bit.ly/adWAHD Shibboleth bit.ly/nx2grp
@alice_de Just called the hotline. Frequency problem. New modem is on the way. Thanks!