Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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June 6th, 2012

Great & fun preso by @ayman of their paper Watching & Talking: Media Content as Social Nexus. Slides avail.?

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In the special session on Social Events in Web Multimedia: Very relevant for . Can’t link to PDFs :(

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@rtroncy @moustaki I knew #Ookaboo, but somehow—if you indeed have pointed me to it—missed #ImageNet. Now need to find a use case. #ICMR2012

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Just learnt about in @dtjv’s presentation: Tries to illustrate all words in .

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RT @borismus: How the User Agent got its String:

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@agebhard @danbri @niklasl @rtroncy @JeniT As Andi brings up German: we’ve 2 concepts for same: dasselbe (identical) & das gleiche (equal).

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@teleportd @gabhubert @spolu Thanks! “usr” & “dsp” are both necessary for proper attribution. Maybe even link to the micropost.

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