#Facebook #GraphSearch launch & social network multimedia reactions as seen by #TomsPhD (aggressive clustering): twitpic.com/bvjmgc
The most burning question after today’s Graph Search launch was intentionally left open: what happens if you type “Facebook” into Facebook?
Probably the best story you’ll read on #Facebook’s #GraphSearch gig today comes from #Wired’s @StevenLevy: bit.ly/XBKVSK
@xavigiro WRT http://t.co/VmlNAF6O, have you seen http://t.co/HVgyvjHi? Demo at http://t.co/p0HHH1rY. Streaming video->different challenges.
@RubenVerborgh Sounds nice in theory, but then come the “your password must contain at least” & “at max” & “be the square root of” rules.
ndiakopoulos Word breaking API can help with delineating individual words in mashed up hashtags: web-ngram.research.microsoft.com/info/break.html #usefulitis
RT @vrandezo: Wikidata switching on on Hungarian: https://t.co/R8AAvdxK — and the first edit on Hungarian: http://t.co/yiVCcwte
RT @Vjeux: New blog article: the basic maths behind adapting an image to a viewport http://t.co/PTRZCaKU