@joedevon Together with @RubenVerborgh and @cpedrinaci, we’ve taken over the orga duties for @wsREST from @dret et al. #REST
We’d ♥ controversial papers at @wsREST! ~RT @aliostad: @ashic #HATEOAS was one of the biggest mistakes in @fielding’s paper. […] @gregyoung
MagnusManske @wikidata item Q12345 is Count von Count wikidata.org/wiki/Q12345
danbri .@linclark Google parses RDFa 1.1 just fine. JSON-LD support is in certain app-specific settings not ‘the Web at large’.
#RTMPDump allows one to download #RTMP streams: http://t.co/Gx6eZ49RMu. Pre-compiled for #MacOSX: http://t.co/QllGNxGRsv. Use it wisely.