Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

June 18th, 2014

Free book on verifying social media content (not only) for emergency coverage > via @kwelle CC:@RevealEU

via Echofon

Searching for [“Your system has run out of application memory” “10.9.3” “kernel_task”]—Anybody elsekSX

via Echofon

RT @richardjapenga: @brucel I run bash scripts to create those .DS_Store files and commit them so everybody thinks I have a mac.

via Echofon

Probably the best feature in #iOS 8 beta 2: no auto-jump to App Store: Put the user first!

via Echofon

Pleased that my extended “Bots vs. Wikipedians, Anons vs. Logged-Ins (Redux)” paper got accepted to :

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