RT @aaranged: Why aren’t you more excited about Twitter Analytics? - http://t.co/nK8MDB4gVg Asks @ajkohn - sensibly
@mamund @dret @justincormack IANAL, but I’d say the name change was a legal thing—the core idea was to just remove the ‘.’ from …raw.github…
@dret @github What you want is rawgit.com. Meant for quick testing, not for production use.
TeXtip “If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife.” johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/
The universal converter: xkcd.com/1406/ #xkcd
mattcutts I learned several things from @mbutterick’s typography book on the web: practicaltypography.com Share it with your designer friends. :)