@aaranged LOL, you’re easily pleased ;-) The demo actually still works: social-media-illustrator.herokuapp.com #TomsPhD
@aaranged They took the time to polish it :-) I wish I would have had that time.
aaranged How a group of researchers tried to use social media data and algorithms to find breaking news - bit.ly/1BHSEBX @ylichterman
RT @rasbt: The Unknown Perils of Mining Wikipedia - Robots learning from robots https://t.co/7lP47Mvnt9
ylecun Big announcement today: we are creating a new branch of Facebook AI Research in Paris!… fb.me/sAysgm5n
MarkusLanthaler Facebook starts experimenting with #OpenPGP. This could be the beginning of something huge on.fb.me/1I6adjT
@tomayac The original source seems more up-to-date than the fork: https://t.co/a5BvD0wkaB
Ollie: an open information extractor (for English) that uses dependency parses: github.com/schmmd/ollie #NLProc
RT @TwitterEng: Introducing Heron: a new real-time analytics platform at Twitter scale. Check it out: https://t.co/VWPYkStNMG
RT @RubenVerborgh: @tomayac @luileito The best feature I’ve implemented for myself is https://t.co/Aixo1ZAILt. Using EasyChair is way less …
A Multilingual Corpus of Automatically Extracted Relations from Wikipedia
http://t.co/1YWFHZuKk4 [PDF] (via @googleresearch)
@RubenVerborgh @luileito Have any great candidate xkcd comics in mind?
RT @Olivier_Aubert: A proposal for spatial shape/dynamic MF syntax https://t.co/VOY7vKLJDY @tomayac @pchampin @lysander07 @tkurz @rtroncy @…
.@RubenVerborgh Once again a proof that a compelling abstract is key to getting citations: http://t.co/6auJsHdirp & https://t.co/gjAuWkhCti
RT @RubenVerborgh: “Fixing the web one page at a time, or actually implementing xkcd# 37†by @tomayac and me actually got cited. https://t.…
FRanCo—A Ground Truth Corpus for Fact Ranking Evaluation: http://t.co/uylVYLcuBN [PDF] by @lysander07 et al. #ESWC2015
Sad to miss out on #ESWC2015, but here’s my trip report from #WWW2015: http://t.co/LIyChP8e3I http://t.co/8SAOIY7WcX