Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

June 18th, 2015

RT @LeaVerou: New blog post: Conical gradients, today!
Inside: Polyfill for conic-gradient() in CSS, just out the ov…

via Twitter Web Client

@LeaVerou Great idea! Clarification question: is it conic or conical? The spec draft suggests “conical”, whereas the post suggests “conic”…

via Echofon in reply to LeaVerou

RT @_ericelliott: Today is a big day for JS:

ES6 is final:
Web Assembly announced:


via Echofon

@staeiou @bkeegan Edited, and heavily edited—repeatedly a breaking news candidate in @WikiLiveMon:

via Echofon

Introducing @YouTube Newswire in collaboration w/ @Storyful—curated eyewitness footage of recent events:

via Echofon

@RubenVerborgh You can tell they were having fun… Now I only wish I had a deeper understanding of neural network mechanics.

via Echofon in reply to RubenVerborgh

Neural networks trained to recognize objects in images used to _generate_ such images Gallery

via Echofon