@Paul_Kinlan @addyosmani For my PhD I have used the Web Speech API to create a somewhat automated news narrator:… https://t.co/VFQR74scDu
@Paul_Kinlan @addyosmani 🤣 Huge props for actually coding this up.
@tomayac @Paul_Kinlan @addyosmani On button release, you terminate with “eep”.
@Paul_Kinlan @addyosmani Nah. No need to delay. You decouple: start with “mee”, and while button is pressed, whenev… https://t.co/qgQx54Ir6k
@Paul_Kinlan @addyosmani window.speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(‘meeep’));
@benmorss Why not make it a Hackintosh: unibeast.com.