Looks like a feature that @ChromeDevTools could steal with pride… 😉 https://t.co/mgoX0qWnZ6
@dalmaer Fully agree on the importance of mobile developer documentation. (Completely unrelated: something seems wr… https://t.co/TZKRX7ERzl
RT @v8js: 🔥 Weak references and finalizers are (finally) coming to JavaScript!
@_gsathya and @mathias explain: https://t.co/rx0i2c1Feb htt…
@addyosmani @smfr @adamdbradley @webkit @jonathandavis Looks like @igalia are on it if I am reading
https://t.co/YSJBgAiHeb correctly.
@andy_kelley https://t.co/gXYzRzZNcl You’re welcome… 😎
Trained a Neural Net: xkcd.com/2173/. New favorite #xkcd comic! ðŸ§