Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

January 11th, 2023

RT @igalia: Igalia Brings MathML Back to Chromium: Now shipping in stable (109)!

Learn more + find links to our podcast and more in


via Echofon

RT @csswizardry: 🔖 Why Not document.write()? I’ve written up everything I currently know about what exactly makes document.write() *so* bad…

via Echofon

@pesterhazy @ChromiumDev See […] multi-threaded use of a single database handle is not possible in the JS environment. […] The exception is if a database is stored in persistent storage, but concurrent access to a single datab

via Twitter Web App

@nelapilled @ChromiumDev In the SQLite team’s measurements, this technology was actually _faster_ than Web SQL in many cases. Be sure to check back with the team if you’re interested in learning more. They may be willing to share their benchmarks.

via Twitter Web App in reply to nelapilled

RT @ricmac: I check in with @slightlylate, @tomayac and @mtomweb from @OpenWebAdvocacy on three key issues for the web: 1) JavaScript perfo…

via Twitter Web App

RT @ChromiumDev: The official 🛢️ SQLite Wasm port, backed by the Origin Private File System for 💨 maximum performance: 

via Twitter Web App

Web Audio developers rejoice: starting from Chrome 110, you can now choose the audio destination programmatically. @quicksave2k has documented the details in and created a neat demo at

Audio to Sink B! ↘

via Twitter Web App

RT @GoogleDevEurope: 💻 🌐 What are the next use cases to unlocking on the web platform?

Ask @tomayac at the upcoming web meetup @GDGBerlin…

via Twitter for iPhone

@erickoleda @ChromeDevTools Hard same, just that I built up my SOAP experience as a Google intern: I created the first AdWords PHP client library—called APIlity (word play on “ability” & “API”, no one got it)—as part of my ad-hoc self-created intern p

via Twitter Web App in reply to erickoleda

(If you read the source code, don’t judge me for lack of error handling and parsing XML with RegEx in the response, because this was just a demo and also: YOLO!)

via Twitter Web App

Triggered by a question regarding XML request logging in @ChromeDevTools, I created a small 🧼 SOAP API client demjagged-abrupt-baritone.glitch.meeQZ. It’s incredible we tended to do Web services this way. I used `fetch()`, but what a missed opportunity to dig

via Twitter Web App