@sepia_fw @webkit Thank you! This should go live with the next deployment. Web Speech and Geolocation technically far predate the Project Fugu effort.
@sepia_fw @webkit By the way, feel free to submit Sepia to the Project Fugu 🡠API Showcasdeveloper.chrome.com/fugu-showcase/RmX.
@sepia_fw @webkit Designing permissions and their duration and persistence is (at least currently) fully in user-agent land.
Just gave the “Most wanted PWA features on iOS/iPadOS/macOS Safari 🧔 document some love: https://t.co/PN3dU8VVv8. Great progress, Team WebKit! There’re some [Wanted] features left; maybe consider those next?!
(Thanks for the reminder, @simevidas@mas
#TIL that the German government publishes an accurate and detailed list of all the defense weapons it provides the Ukraine with: https://t.co/6vMOdhyTcU. #StandForUkraine 🇺🇦 #StopPutin 🛒