AxiomLaure Why I love Twitter: Google Analytics is down, but I thought it was just me. It’s not. Thanks, Twitter! #analytics
One of the rare occasions where I link to a Buzz of mine: as 140 characters is just too short. Excellency by @timbray
@jos_tweets What’s that adidas sneaker doin’ there, dude? Seems like not exactly very busy ;-)
Will there be a non-CDMA version of the new #Android star #HTC #Evo #4G? Like the #Droid / #Milestone thing. Anyone have any insights?
vinoaj If you develop w/ the AdWords API, remember there are 30 days left for the v13 sunset.Start transitioning to v2009 now!
Cool new service in the #Google #Maps #API: #Elevation Web service: See a fascinating sample here: