#COLD2010 submission rejected :-( Valid points in reviews, tho. Still going, good learning experience that forms strong characters. #TomsPhD
blaine The Cloud9 IDE is seriously impressive, and open source: http://www.cloud9ide.com/ The things you learn at jsconf!
dalmaer Input: HTML/CSS/JS, Output: app store ready packages for iPhone/Android/Palm/Symbian/Blackberry. Welcome http://ajxn.it/b90H75
#PhoneGap is an interim solution until the browsers catch up w/ access to native APIs >> Brian LeRoux at #JSConf. Mentions W3C Device API.
@pbakaus Valid point. Interested to see latency charts: pre-calc (> traffic, < startup time) vs. on-demand-calc (< traffic, > startup time).
@bgalbs @pbakaus @dalmaer These were my immediate thoughts as well. Why not pre-calculate the pixel maps? Did I get the concept wrong?
RT @dalmaer: “XML is like violence. If it doesn’t solve your problem, you aren’t using enough of it.” // @evilhackerdude at #JSConf