#JavaScript goodie: iterating over NodeLists: for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {/**/}. Saves the nodes.length call. #Profiling
RT @cramforce: Want to use @kangax’#FabricJSJS for something http://bit.ly/czMXQz // +1. Ultra cool.
Just “bought†my 1st app#Mozillai#AppMonkeynkey: http://bit.ly/cBYqF8. The interesting part is the verification docs: http://mzl.la/bi2vSl.
Battles just not worth dying for: your university matriculation website requiring a Java-enabled Windows browser. FSCK, UPC.edu. #TomsPhD
@vinoaj Wow, so bad? Going there, too, remember? Any Internet-related advise?
#Profiling, tweaking, profiling. What a rewarding circle. Using the #Firebug profiler b/c the #Chrome Dev one keeps crashing w/ #SemWebVid.
RT @kangax: All of #TextMate’#JavaScriptpt syntax annoyances (and few more) are now fixed — http://goo.gl/WQ1s // @aemkeimkei
Arubin the definition of open: “mkdir android ; cd android ; repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git ; repo sync ; make”