Pushed v1.0.0 of my Breadcrumb Navigator #Chrome #Extension. Prev. users’ll be auto-updated, fresh install: http://bit.ly/dfuzUr. New theme!
Preparing a Lightning Talk for #ISWC2010. Interesting format: http://bit.ly/bKS4UD. Getting really excited about traveling to China for ISWC
JeniT My #TPAC slides are now up at http://www.w3.org/2010/1… - sorry for delay.
@jreschke @algermissen Probably referring to “does anyone have this weird mini VGA adapterâ€. “No, the other one from mini VGA to digital†;)
@kojote Unfollowing. Nothing personal at all, simply can’t keep up w/ your tweet frequency. Still following your other accounts.