@cygri Feature req. for #PrefixCC: could it accept 1 char prefixes like v => http://rdf.data-vocabula… ? (Ontology quality aside).
Sporting @mfhepp’s Tickets Ontology (http://bit.ly/fs5BQn) in the position paper fo#FIAGhentnt, plu@philipppoiselel concerts#GoodRelationsns
Y’day’s story (http://bit.ly/f3stIi) ended happily: the woman next door gave birth to a healthy boy & her 1.5year-old’s thru the night, too.
songcarver I’ve used a mac for more than a decade, but I still forget which of those weird symbols in the menubar correlate to Shift, Command, Option.
joehewitt Some great new Web APIs in Safari on iOS 4.2. Accelerometer! http://bit.ly/fIpciO
@maximetiran @cramforce LOL, seems like you guys are having a good time. Raise a glass on the old times :-)
@cramforce Indeed! This is why we all love feature detection & libraries :-) Enjoy life over there!
RT fofr: #WebSockets work in #iOS 4.2, tested on #iPhone4. // Now, @streamie, when are you gonna be updated? Hey, @cramforce code nite?