@aivlis_s Thanks :-) Happy it’s over. Now back to that document review…
RT @portenkirchner: Slides The Latest in #HTML5 http://goo.gl/uJjTA registerProtocolHandler, PageVisibility API, Web Audio API. via @ebidel
@arnaudbrousseau Thanks! Happy #BastilleDay http://bastille-day.com/ I’ll raise “un bon verre†on you tonight ;-)
Thanks to the best Google intern @arnaudbrousseau for doing most of the #ISEARCH work in the last weeks, so that I could focus on #TomsPhD.
Thanks to my tutors Kim (UPC.edu) &a@mhausenblasbl@derigalwaylway) for very valua#TomsPhDsPhD input; @mparramonamon for http://yfrog.com/klkfwzj
The viva voce slides for today’#TomsPhDhD thesis proposal defense are published here: http://bit.ly/njRccq. Passed :-D
@dakoller Thanks :-) I’ll put the slides online in a few minutes…
RT @mparramon: At @tomayac #TomsPhD proposal defense, #LinkedData, #OpenData, #RDF and more. Looks promising! http://yfrog.com/klkfwzj