The Internet would be a better place w/ more #CORS headers & more * header values. Now here’s how: class=”hashtag” rel=”search” href=”//”>#OpenDataData
Increasingly annoyed by the diffs in the two #HTML5 specs. Compare the Note in vs. // #WHATWG #W3C
@RobVesse Sounds like a great offer then :-) Congrats! (I’m in a special role here [100% of 20% time ;-)], but 20% time is a great concept.)
@RobVesse IMHO the good thing about academia: you may just try things out, no matter what. In industry, you have to make a revenue case 1st.
@RobVesse Been there (out of academia). Kind of back now ;-) Both sides have pros & cons, believe me…
@arnaudbrousseau Email sent.
People involved in any & all standardization effort in whatever project, working group, or task force, READ
.@jindrichmynarz wrote a good blog post on spoon-feeding Google w/ #RDF graphs packaged as trees: #RDFa #GoodRelations