Looks like Jim addressed the email wrong.—What?—lt went out to every mailbox in the East High directo#SemanticWebcbit.ly/yr7KN8WNHI
My wife’s (@esquimalapps) iOS application Foto ABC got added to the Built With #Titanium directory: bit.ly/xoqTa3. Thanks!
Cleaned my Google Research profile: bit.ly/zKlESX & my Google Scholar profibit.ly/xV7PPn1Jzl. Get youbit.ly/wbOHJnYcqd!
~RT @MikulasDite: Wanted to compliment on your punctuation… But turns out http://t.co/3BpX3O1U is to blame for it. Recommended. [from Czech]
@DrGomek @frogandcode A gift to serve the like-minded. Maybe check bit.ly/xkcd37. Does nothing less than fix the Web’s #typography.