@protonet Yet another event summary of the #Protonet launch event, it gets meta :-) twitpic.com/d0t83n
@protonet Some impressions from your #Protonet launch event via #TomsPhD. Thanks for the invitation. twitpic.com/d0t777
@hfmuehleisen http://t.co/9HXE2AEAA0 Prefix all article titles like en:Queen. You can do that already, no matter if you have all langs now.
@hfmuehleisen It’s en.wikipedia only, right? I might use it in #Wikipedia Live Monitor to show spark lines, but then I’d need moar langs ;-)
@hfmuehleisen Wow! Is the API public? http://t.co/6v9uAntybV. Request: add entity type for disambiguation. Rename x/y to timestamp/pageViews
#Wikipedia weekly page view stats (2008—mid 2013) in a Google-Trends-like style: http://t.co/o7W8M1I3Th. Made by @hfmuehleisen.
The visual summary of Douglas Engelbart’s death by #TomsPhD is (from my biased view) to-the-point, too. twitpic.com/d0qiza
#Wikipedia’s & social networks’ tributes to D. Engelbart, seen thru Wikipedia Live Monitor (@WikiLiveMon) twitpic.com/d0qi0e
Ever opened a Web page on #mobile w/ a modal “Download our app” alert? #Google _hates_ them, too: https://t.co/2dwjOnP2n6 #SEO