Spent the day uniting social-media-illustrator.herokuapp.com & wikipedia-irc.herokuapp.com. Still raw & uncut, but slowly happy w/ #TomsPhD. The circle closes!
RT @GoogleDE: FAZ Gastbeitrag von Google’s David Drummond zu #prism http://t.co/afP8oDOe2a / Bundesnetzagentur mit 34 Mio (!) Daten-Anfrag…
RT @mikeal: quickly becoming the best guide for *anyone* to learn node. https://t.co/ZUhpYxSv9V
@hfmuehleisen document.location.hash.split(‘|’).unique() => http://t.co/6aTq8ibJjK
#xkcd 1234 on Douglas C. Engelbart. #YOLO xkcd.com/1234/ Brilliant.