RT @rob_dodson: @tomayac @polymer We’ll still provide helper methods but ideally the library gets much smaller. No more polyfills :)
@rob_dodson #AskPolymer Once all Web Components features are broadly and correctly supported in all major browsers, is @polymer’s job done?
@samccone @paul_irish @chchrist Could this (going through about:blank on reload) be part of the disable cache checkbox behavior?
ChromeDevTools Now in Canary: Shadow Editor pic.twitter.com/Yul66JmNDk
RT @addyosmani: New Network View in @ChromeDevTools Timeline is 💌 for seeing network requests next to JS stacks, paint & memory. https://t.…
RT @maxlath: your monthly reminder to switch to uBlock Origin
Firefox: https://t.co/Zlxb3uLiAu
Chrome: https://t.co/rm41jaRQOv https://t.co…
RT @richardbaxter: I think progressive web apps are an exciting prospect for site+app. https://t.co/h9wT6lTl6t
matthewlmcclure xkcd: “A Timeline of Earth’s Average Temperature” xkcd.com/1732/
The definitive answer from one of the brains behind Progressive Web Apps: What, exactly, makes something a #PWA? 🤔 https://t.co/oy6Qnj2m11