Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

July 4th, 2018

@carstenhag @petele @googlechrome I hear you :-) One step to encourage interoperability is to file browser bugs lik…

via Echofon

@carstenhag Note: I was on macOS and iOS, it’s an entirely different story there. Check @petele’s post on the lates…

via Twitter for iPhone from Sinsheim, Deutschland

Gestalt, Prägnanz, so many German lean words used in the design world. Great article on these concepts by…

via Echofon

@samthor Can you explain in simple terms why Hangouts writes 🇺🇸 as emojified letters “US” in the chat dialog, but i…

via Echofon

💨‍🏫 Held a guest lecture on Progressive Web Apps at Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg ( to…

via Twitter for iPhone

Real_CSS_Tricks Internetting is hard.

(“Friendly web development tutorials for complete beginners”)

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:06 AM, Jul 4th, 2018 via Echofon)

RT @ChromiumDev: Introduction to Feature Policy✨
It’s like Content Security Policy but for controlling features💉

via Echofon

RT @zenmumbler: I have embraced the Web Streams API. It’s only partially supported now so I implemented the full spec and made a polyfill f…

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RT @DeanoHume: Freshly blogged! Getting started with the Ambient Light Sensor

#javascript #PWA #ambientlightsenso…

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