Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

July 12th, 2018

RT @mathias: If you have an npm account, please enable Two-Factor Authentication if you haven’t already!

2FA is an…

via Echofon

“CSS is a declarative subset of JavaScript, optimized for styling tasks. A CSS file takes the .css extension and, i…

via Echofon

Brilliant(!) writeup by @antin of all the top-ace engineering work that went into making @GooglePhotos an amazing w…

via Echofon

@ValentinHervieu @olivtassinari Pardon the brevity from The `crossorigin` attribute isn’t…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @ericerway: Great research from @HTTPArchive on overall adoption of #PWA. We need to continue making this 10X easier for everyone starti…

via Echofon

@olivtassinari You should use a proper attribute value though: Invalid values magically do…

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RT @ChromiumDev: How do we measure frustration with unresponsive UX?

Enter FID: the First Input Delay metric for measuring web page respon…

via Echofon

RT @zachleat: I’m really enjoying this series from @ChrisFerdinandi. The simple act of reading the articles can help you navigate the maze…

via Echofon

amiocn Introduce Badgen @zeithq

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:01 AM, Jul 12th, 2018 via Echofon)