@todrobbins @edsu Ah, here you go, gentlemen: https://t.co/2cKV1cjvBV :-)
@todrobbins @edsu Yepp, same here for @1and1, apparently there is no obvious way to register Punycode or emoji domains for the mere mortals…
@todrobbins @edsu Can’t resolve https://t.co/CBbC05Qr6m ;-) Wikipedia Tools are in final review for official add-on, soon easier to install!
RT @ph_singer: Preprint of #www2016 poster “Visual Positions of Links and Clicks on Wikipedia” /w @trovdimi @mstrohm https://t.co/3ja5C2LZay
New paper “Wikipedia Tools for Google Spreadsheetsarxiv.org/abs/1602.02506Nfnw Add some =WIKI* magic to your sheepic.twitter.com/vG2xFzGgrvGgrv