Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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February 19th, 2016

RT @danbri: From my more numerate colleagues: - statistics addon for google spreadsheets

via Echofon

@JohnMu I’ve an 11-yo blog w/ legacy (X)HTML à la <img src=”ex.gif” align=”left”/>. AMPlifying it is still ongoing:

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paul_irish TIL: the `let` keyword provides such a big upgrade for the classic for-loop & closure problem.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:02 PM, Feb 19th, 2016 via Echofon)

Noticing that typically @AMPhtml pages are island w/ all internal links to non-AMP pages (e.g. @Guardian Intended?

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RT @philwalton: I just released a new library called autotrack for analytics.js. You should try it if you use GA on your websites https://t…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @vambenepe: The Google Cloud Vision API is now accessible to everyone How can you use image content detection fo…

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pmika @abursuc Yes, this post fails to mention that many other talented individuals will be leaving the company.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:40 PM, Feb 18th, 2016 via Echofon)