Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

February 11th, 2016

Cool, they made the gravity waves available as a ringtone: [mp3]

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RT @jaffathecake: Chrome is changing how it loads stylesheets, allowing you to load & apply CSS progressively

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RT @thewikipedian: New blog post—@Twitter’s challenges and @Wikipedia’s aren’t all that different: #RIPTwitter

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@pmika Yahoo! Labs London closing? :-O

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@bkeegan I read it as they used the Cloud Vision API, not really trained a deep learning model. Was hoping for an interpretation of results…

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~Sci-Hub is an online repo & Web service for reading scientific articles that bypasses paywalls.â (vi@IgorBrigadirir)

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“Things don’t happen ‘for a reason,’ but you can find purpose and meaning in things that do happen.”—@jhuber (via

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