Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

February 17th, 2016

RT @jure: How to increase Wikipedia article creation rate by 3x across different languages #www2016

via Echofon

@aaranged Let me know your power user feature requests :-)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to aaranged

RT @aaranged: Bears RTing: Wikipedia Tools for Google Sheets Pictured WIKIPAGEVIEWS function: +1 @tomayac! https://…

via Twitter Web Client

.@aaranged Thanks for the RT :-) Combined with the charting capability in Spreadsheets, the true power is unleashed:

via Twitter Web Client

.@tim_cook’s response to the @FBI’s data access request following the 2015 San Bernardino attack:

via Echofon

Impressive tresaure trove of @npmjs scripts to automate the website build process: Covers JS, CSS, images,…

via Echofon

Responsive email framework & mark-up language Sad that this is needed, but then there’s this

via Echofon