Lebab transpiles “legacy†JavaScript code from ES5 code to ES2015. It’s Babel reversed, what a genius name lebab.io/try-itb5m0
@dalmaer Hah, genius minds read and tweet alike ;-) https://t.co/Qg4arFTPdk
Interesting article by @martinfowler on refactoring options in JavaScript with code examples for each: https://t.co/gkVd7sD3Zk.
RT @random_forests: New episode! Feeling good about this one / think the pacing is right. https://t.co/hCeDm71Mnm
How rectangles with rounded corners became an elementary part of the Macintosh’s UI: https://t.co/4S8rDnPBG4. Great Steve Jobs anecdote.
@TomDeNies Woohoo, congratulations! 🎔🎉
RT @ChromiumDev: Practical advice from @notwaldorf after a year of building Web Components #io16