Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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May 29th, 2016

The #ES2015 101: If you’re short on time, this is a great summary chapter.

via Echofon

@cbpuschmann Just absolute edits w/o any qualitative evaluation of edits:, Much future work…

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@cbpuschmann Sports events tend to have a “sudden” & “simple” result/ending, which makes them easy to add to a Wiki, whereas news develops.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to cbpuschmann

@cbpuschmann The simple explanation is people editing sports-related articles. The more complex “why” explanation: paper topic…

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RT @rem: “State of the gap” between native, hybrid and web (with progressive web apps).

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@olafhartig @jimkont @RubenVerborgh And now imagine the sh!t you get when you tell people you work at The Google ;-)

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