RT @malyw: Promise.prototype.finally is ready to move to the Stage 3 in TC39 process.
Invoked in any case Promise is settled.
RT @stefanjudis: TIL about interaction media queries in #css. With these it’s possible to detect certain input mechanisms. #webdev https://…
“If it looks like a vendor prefix and smells like a vendor prefix, chances are at least one browser is gonna treat it like a vendor prefix.†https://t.co/DCQGK7lnKD
@dalmaer @addyosmani @patrickkettner @LeaVerou @kpk @ChromeDevTools @ojanvafai @RickByers Priceless cropping in @echofon: rage_->Clear(); ðŸpic.twitter.com/VhBbxqDGBPGBP
zeithq Introducing `pkg`
Single command binary compilation for Node.js pic.twitter.com/Dbe9L1gb0x