Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

May 8th, 2018

.@paul_irish announces Eager Evaluation, now in @ChromeDevTools, already visualized by @umaar: #io18

via Echofon

We’ve been preaching PWA for way too long without really having a significant one ourselves. Not anymore!…

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Starting ✨ now! Tune in if you’re interested in Google’s view on the Web: ⤵️

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RT @firt: “+20% average conversion rate improvement on mobile after switching to PWA” #io18

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@andreasbovens The @Android team actually quickly pulled this off after seeing your tweet. So lucky they finished j…

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RT @stevesi: Google Maps walking navigation using augmented reality is a “killer app” for AR (camera+gps+maps+images->a lot of ingredients…

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.@taloppenheimer highlighting the paradigm shift Service Workers have enabled on now finally all browsers. Further…

via Twitter for iPhone

Autoplay restrictions and WebRTC: 🔇

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WebAppManifest As shown in the screenshot below “Install from Browser” coming soon to Microsoft Edge.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:27 PM, May 8th, 2018 via Echofon)

Please welcome Googler @MartinSchierle, who just set up his twttr! Creator of yesterday’s @AMPhtml tool (…

via Twitter for iPhone from Sunnyvale, CA

RT @mozillareality: Blog post by @blairmacintyre discussing experiments we’ve been doing with the WebXR Viewer to demonstrate how we might…

via Echofon

RT @cheneytsai: If you’re interested in the Web track at #io18, here’s a cheatsheet of some of the web sessions. Feel free to check out the…

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RT @kamranahmedse: OpenSourced Brusher — A little weekend project

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