@wanderview @firt I fear there is no way to test it that I am aware of (apart from waiting). But obviously the reas… https://t.co/0s1nCPIi06
RT @duncanbrandon: @senthil_hi @slightlylate @cheneytsai @dalmaer At @LinkedIn we spent a bunch of time building a very robust “kill switch…
“There’s a notion that in order to use service workers, you need to rebuild your site from scratch as a PWA. We’re… https://t.co/SQM5wwoXNr
@wanderview @firt Gradual roll-out over the next few weeks; and mostly limited to JavaScript caching, so for the ti… https://t.co/4iPhTTEA7x
RT @ChromiumDev: Metric🚨! Meet “First Input Delay” - measure the latency of a user’s first interaction with your page.
WIP and feedback w…
RT @stoyanstefanov: This chrome bug is actually a really nice showcase gallery of WebAudio apps https://t.co/erUtQk7JeE
Announcing @____lighthouse 3.0: https://t.co/E5pShqBv7H. Great #io18 talk by @vinamratas, and likewise great writeu… https://t.co/tHseivF3Nc
RT @denladeside: So great: @lit_html and new LitElement based @materialdesign components - great work @polymer @justinfagnani @kevinpschaaf…
@derSchepp @mathias @_gsathya This is a very good question that @sergiomdgomes has written an excellent answer for: https://t.co/4mfQvNoWLu.