Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

May 16th, 2018

💌 Brilliant article by @DeanoHume on how to implement the “a new version of this app” is available pattern in the c…

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RT @addyosmani: navigator.connection.effectiveType is great for delivering different assets based on the user’s network connection

e.g 2G…

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RT @DasSurma: Chrome is temporarily reverting the autoplay block for Web Audio with Chrome 66.

Original comment can be found in the crbug:…

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RT @slightlylate: This is fun!:

And the HOWTO: “Introducing Hextris 🕹️ - A Tetris Inspired Progressive Web App (PW…

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RT @slightlylate: @hondanhon @blaine The web is getting slower because no matter how much faster we make Chrome, developers abuse users wit…

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Another fun @HTTPArchive analysis: non-standard HTTP headers that are most probably safe to remove from your server…

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RT @ChrisLove: How to Use the berforeinstallprompt Event to Create a Custom #PWA Add to Homescreen Experience https…

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RT @mobiForge: Sharing buttons and the Web Share API

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JoelEinbinder Can never remember the difference between substr and substring? Argument hints are now in @ChromeDevTools!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:12 AM, May 16th, 2018 via Echofon)

@nicolastorzec @aaranged @ai3_ @rustybrick @bill_slawski I remember @thalhamm had reverse-engineered this at one po…

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@stefanjudis @rmehner @workingdraft Related reading: @jeffposnick on a “kill switch” emergency Service

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