Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

February 2nd, 2022

🔢 Reminder, @dontcallmeDOM and I run the Web Developer and W3C Track at @TheWebConf. We’ve just announced a deadline extension, so you still have an opportunity to get your work in. See our #CfP and submit: Papers will _optiona

via Twitter Web App

@danbri @RReverser It might be some of the CO* headers that may not have been available?

via Twitter Web App

@simey Right? It’s the first thing I did.

via Echofon in reply to simey

@_zouhir Time flies… Congratulations, Zouhir! 🎈

via Echofon

@danbri @RReverser Works fine for me on `Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/97.0.4692.84 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1`. Note that that’s the latest iOS 15.4 beta. Probably you lack shared

via Echofon

💀 Looks like ⁦@igalia⁩ have forked Firefox Reality to create Wolvic: “a fast and secure browser for standalone VR and AR headsets”. @wolvicxr, the download links on don’t work yet. I’m interested for

via Twitter for iPhone

@hashseed @bengoodger @stubbornella @flackrw Yeah, same here. But ultimately solved it not knowing this.

via Echofon

@AnaestheticsApp @firt It’s for files generated from within the service worker that could not be downloaded before:

via Echofon

RT @firt: Safari 15.4 release notes are now published.

We have confirmation that “purpose: maskable” is ignored for manifest’s icons (I do…

via Echofon

“Evergreen” [Browser] Does Not Mean Immediately Available. Good reminder by ⁦@ericwbailey⁩:

via Twitter for iPhone

There’s an effort to decouple “Chrome” the browser from “Chrome OS” the operating system called the LaCrOS project. The name comes from Linux And ChRomeOS. Learn more about its backg@webReformer@webReformer⁩’s

via Twitter for iPhone

@TheRealNooshu Just remembered we talked about this in the past. 😂

via Twitter for iPhone

Web apps can now easily integrate with the operating system’s clipboard 🔋 and get access to files in there directly: This enables amazing experiences as in the quoted tweet ⤵️.

via Echofon

RT @RReverser: 🐡 Just published part 2 of the “Porting USB applications to the web”.

🔷 In this part I’m describing…

via Echofon

@slightlylate @yoavweiss @mtomweb @HCornflower Sad about the decision to remove `request()`, too:

via Twitter for iPhone

@dannymoerkerke The /blog link blocks loading because is missing an authentication token. The first few navigations to other links are fast, but /blog is reproducibly blocking here and eventually times out. The service worker could

via Echofon

@TheRealNooshu Good to see you back delivering those stats! 😃

Minor correction: 604.1 is not Safari, but the Google Search app (note the “GSA”): `Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/1

via Echofon

@slightlylate @yoavweiss @mtomweb @HCornflower +1 to continue working on the Permissions API. I still see the territory of what I called semantic permission bundles in largely unexplored. I’m tired of this pattern of, say, VC app

via Echofon