Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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February 14th, 2022

RT @github: A picture tells a thousand words, but now you can quickly create and edit diagrams in markdown using words with Mermaid support…

via Echofon

@shadeed9 Massive props to It’s my first ever RTL app ever, so hopefully it feels right (apart from having correct translations).

via Twitter Web App in reply to shadeed9

@shadeed9 This would be awesome! Thanks so much for volunteering! <3

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to shadeed9

I’m looking for an Arabic-speaking volunteer to verify or improve the (machine-)translation of SVGcode (

Source code: (only the file `ar-LB.js`)
Deploy preview:

شكرا لك! ðŸ

via Twitter Web App

If you want @webkit to implement the picker methods for true access to user-accessible files, let @jensimmons and friends know by describing your use case in my bug: (Don’t just “+1” or “me too”, please add substance.)

via Twitter Web App

💏 Ace to see @webkit make some noise about their implementation of the origin private file system part (including access handles for performant file access) of the File System Access API. (Note that this doesn’t include the picker methods like `Windo

via Echofon

Getting Started With the File System Access API, by ⁦@devdevcharlie⁩:

via Twitter for iPhone

@koush @slightlylate @vysorapp I’m sure @ThaUnknown_ would know. I think the list is about their own PWAs at the moment.

via Twitter Web App in reply to koush

Really neat collection of utility apps, all implemented as PWAs and using powerful Project Fugu 🐡 APIs: (each app can be installed individually).

via Twitter Web App

@Rumyra Feedback in form of Issues/PRs is more than welcome.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Rumyra

@Rumyra I’m happy to make exporting the paths (collectively or individually) a feature of SVGcode. If interested, could you file an Issue where you describe in what shape this would be the most useful to your use case?

via Twitter for iPhone

@Rumyra All of those look fantastic! 🤩

via Echofon in reply to Rumyra

@Rumyra Thanks for the kind words about SVGcode. It uses Potrace via esm-potrace-wasm ( internally (GPL v2 or later), which has a ‘pathonly` option. (Not sure if this is addressed your feedback.)

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