Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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February 15th, 2022

@andreban 🙏 Obrigado! Merged and deployed. Fun fact: a lot of it was just me verifying GitHub Copilot ( suggestions. It’s amazing for translation tasks (and many more things).

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I know enough Romance languages to be dangerous in Portuguese 🇵🇹🇧🇷… Anyone who actually speaks the language able to verify the Portuguese translation of SVGcode ( PRs welcome:

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Woohoo, SVGcode ( is now available in Bahasa Indonesia 🇮🇩 thanks to @arufian_b’s contribution. Did you know Indonesia is the country with the forth most Internet users of the world (after China, India, and the US)? 🤯 https

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@fakebaldur Good thread. Minor correction on this bit: they essentially manage something like a swap file using access handle that they use to move large images between RAM and disk.

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For RTL (Right-to-Left) layouts, logical CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1 ( is super valuable and I’m happy in my CSS for SVGcode I was using it already. I just ran into a small problem for `transform-origin`:

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RT @PantchoT: Very proud of this small contribution to this awesome open source project!

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And followed immediately by an Arabic version of SVGcode (, courtesy of @LoukilAymen 💏. So that’s two RTL versions now.
(Thanks to @shadeed9 as well who offered his help, too. We can always fine-tune afte

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Thanks to @PantchoT for the Hebrew 🇮🇱 translation of SVGsvgco.decSZGbS) and for reviewing that my first ever RTL app feels right 💆, apart from having correct translations.

Also huge @shadeed9@shadrtlstyling.comN366esdIG,

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@RGadellaa @kornelski @googlechrome Re-opened the bug. Thanks for the pointer.

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@leobalter @mathias @felipenmoura The relevant quote—that actually even mentions number formats—seems to be “So, for example, spaces in number formats can be always changed to non-breaking spaces (U+00A0).”—

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@hdjirdeh All the best for the new role and massive congratulations 🎈! The future of Aurora is bright!

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@eleven_ty @Netlify Great news for the Eleventy community. Thanks, @zachleat, for making this possible! Also thanks for running the project so brilliantly.

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Super Duper Secure Mode (, gotta love the name) that was announced in August 2021 is live in @MSEdgeDev 98 now. ⤵️

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@shadeed9 @LoukilAymen has done a first pass already, so it’s in much better shape than it was at the beginning! Thanks for that! 🙏

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