@RubenVerborgh While nice-looking on mobile, I’m not sure if it is as fast on mobile as the ugly, but super efficient iOS feed reader I had.
@e2b Thanks, I’ll check those. Tiny (Tiny) RSS appeared twice already. Self-hosted, hmmm… Maybe worth a try.
Graham_Coop I’ll start using google+ if you #saveGoogleReader
@ruagair @silviapfeiffer Thanks for the pointer. It should support syncing, Web, mobile (Android & iOS), feed discovery, archiving, search.
The moment we all knew would come is finally here: RIP @googlereader :-( RIP unofficial Reader API :-( bit.ly/Z3rSSJ Alternatives?
@peterc #MediaFragments post appeared in this week’s #HTML5 Weekly bit.ly/ZM7u9T. Last week I coded xywh.js bit.ly/WEegzU
#TIL more than fits in a tweet. Just one: $0 allows you to work w/ the last selected element in the #Chrome console: bit.ly/ZM5D59