@rogueleaderr LOL, I guess that’s why the kids call it #BigData ;-) Also: “[…] its often more efficient to read directly from GZip file.”
@netlabsorg Don’t shoot the messenger ;-) Maybe ping Shawn Simister bit.ly/Y5DtnM
As of March 19, 2013, there’re finally official #Freebase @fbase #RDF dumps in #Turtle format: bit.ly/Y5wgEi 14GB!
There’s a “headless†version of the #RAMSS2013 #Wikipedia Live Monitor that dumps events in #JSON files https://t.co/SQZKNfoqwj
#RAMSS2013 paper “[…] Using Concurr#Wikipediaedia Edit Spikes […] for Breaking News Detection@edsuia @edsu now oarxiv.org/abs/1303.4702W3xQTyo6
@paulmwatson I have a “headless” build that dumps all events to disk. Ping me off-Twitter via tomac(@)google(.)com.