#Chrome #extension folks, instead of requiring the global “tabs” permission, consider the new “activeTab”: bit.ly/11Mdumr
Pinboard Oh crap we forgot to build the Semantic Web!
@portenkirchner Hmm, wait, scratch that (/etc/hosts): bit.ly/108AhDS. You don’t want google,com to map to feedly,com.
.@portenkirchner AFAICT the product’s dead (as others that synced to the unofficial #GoogleReader API). /etc/hosts to the rescue! #Jailbreak
~RT @tobie: Why XMLHttpRequest and not XMLHTTPRequest or XmlHttpRequest? […] // I’ve always wondered, too. Seems so unbalanced.
#MobileRssPro was $2.99 ($4.99 for #MobileRssHd). All versions are free now, which I interpret as they’re dead :-( bit.ly/YHTGdt
@paulmwatson #TheOldReader is nice, but the lacking (but fair enough being-worked-on) mobile app disqualifies it at the moment.
Turned down by the broad extension permissions you have to grant #Feedly. This 5yo thread bit.ly/YHSYgj doesn’t help.
Trying to get warm w/ #Feedly. It can be made look like Reader on desktop, but the #iOS app is less efficient than #MobileRssPro.