Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

May 5th, 2019

@c2dev2 @andrey_l1nd3n You can chime in on where it’s demanded.

via Twitter for iPhone

@nilskassube I think I spot @g33konaut in that queue… 💇‍♂️🌈

via Twitter for iPhone

@puf @petele Thanks. It’s the most challenging immigration experience I ever had at SFO, and I came here quite a fe…

via Twitter for iPhone

All these folks are queuing up at #SFO immigration for @petele’s and my #io19 talk: At lea…

via Twitter for iPhone

@argyleink 😘💍🎉😔⤵️

via Echofon in reply to argyleink

RT @andrey_l1nd3n: With #WebShare API - Level 2 coming to Chrome 75 💉🏼 and Web Share Target API around since 2018, t…

via Echofon