Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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August 6th, 2019

@raymondcamden @MylesBorins It sure does exist, but the cool API-related posts are all from <=2014 (…

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@MylesBorins Back when Twitter DevRel was still a thing, they always used for their JavaScr…

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@gershroma @MSF_Jarvis This was a thing in the “old” Twitter; if you switch to the “new” Twitter, they now respect…

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@kylealden @JenMsft @WatashiFR @gregwhitworth Interesting as well: people can have enabled both, dark mode _and_ hi…

via Twitter for iPhone

@zt1072 @Dru89 That’s through the magic of `prefers-color-scheme`, yes. Read all about it in

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🎥 New HTTP 203! @jaffathecake and @DasSurma dive into variable scoping in JavaScript, including some unexpected edge cases…

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@DanLammerhirt @mrtn3000 @PattaFeuFeu Falls möglich, ladet das finale pre-print Paper doch bitte bei arXiv hoch. Danke!

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RT @igrigorik: Using NetInfo API to Improve Algolia’s search service: - a textbook case study on how to deliver net…

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